UNIMAX NCC-22 NMEA CRC Checksum Calculator

NMEA Checksum Calculator, calculates the checksum of NMEA sentences not including checksums and sends them to the output.

Especially in some older bridge navigation devices, NMEA data is sent without checksum calculation.
In addition, data from machinery and alarm systems are usually sent to VDR, SVDR devices without checksum. Newer devices do not accept data without checksums.

The Calculator, receives data at supported speeds from the isolated NMEA input. It checks automatically  whether there is a checksum in the incoming data. If a data without checksum is received, the checksum of that data is calculated and sent to the output. If a data with checksum is received, it is not processed and that data is directed to the output. Input and output can be adjusted independently according to the specified speeds.

The NCC-22 can be powered within the range of 9~32 VDC. The nominal voltage of 24 VDC is advised for powering the device in normal operation. Power input port has a protection for incorrect polarity connection of the supplying voltage.

NMEA CRC Checksum Calculator
NMEA Checksum Calculator
Tehcnical Specifications
Supply Voltage9-32VDC
Power Supply ProtectionInternal Resetable fuse
Reversed polarirty protection
Input Port1 X Galvanic isolated NMEA0183, IEC61162
Output Port1 X RS422, RS485
(2 output optionally)
Input SpeedConfigurable with DIP Swithces 4800, 9600, 38400, 115200 bps
Output SpeedConfigurable with DIP Swithces 4800, 9600, 38400, 115200 bps
IndictorsPower LED
Input Data LED
Output Data LED
System LED
Case – DimensionsABS DIN Rail Mount Box
Width: 105 mm
Depth: 86 mm
Height: 58 mm